Friday, June 14, 2024

The Three Sisters of Victory Walk by Annie Groves

Ever since I got into the wartime books by Elaine Everest, where women and friendships were the heart of the stories, I have started reading other authors who write in the same era. I have read a few wartime books since reading the Elaine Everest ones and I have now found Annie Groves books. It looks like she writes like Elaine Everest in that some of her books come part of a series - I have noticed that there is a follow up book to the book I have just read and I have reserved it from my local library - she also has some books out about the District Nurses, who are mentioned in the current book I have just finished. This book is set just at the start of the second world war and focuses on a family of 7 - mum, dad and 5 children (2 boys and 3 girls). However, the book is focused around the three girls from the family - Rose, Clover and Daisy. Rose is a qualified nurse and seems very sensible, Clover is working with her mother at the start of the book in a greengrocers but wants to help the war effort and find some excitement, and then Daisy is working in a factory but wants to find a job in the transport system now that a lot of the men have been called up. The girls all seem close and there are times that there are situations around them happening but they always have each other to talk things through. Rose and Clover are taken aback by how quickly Daisy is growing up and they are able to talk to her more like an adult now. The girls' mum and dad (Pattie and Bert) seem like nice people, although Pattie's sister, Vera, seems like a snob. Vera also has three daughters but it seems that the girls only get on with one of them - Hope - the other two seem to be like their mother. I like that Pattie's sister and daughters have been introduced, however briefly, as it shows that not all the family are the same and it also shows just how patient Pattie is! I really enjoyed this book and the characters, including all the characters that the girls knew or met. It was good to learn about different aspects too about the girls's jobs. I will definitely read more of Annie Groves books and, as I have already said, I have already ordered the next book in the series from my local library.


I have to admit that I am not a huge football fan but I may watch a few matches when the Euros start tonight. I am Scottish so Scotland are playing Germany tonight in the opening game. There has been a lot of hype about the upcoming matches and, in Scotland, there have been programmes shown about previous Euro tournaments, programmes about players and highs and lows of previous games. There has also been a lot of coverage about fans travelling from Scotland to Germany (I am sure that this will be the same no matter what country you live in). I have heard about one Scottish fan who got a cheap plane ticket (£120), but it has a change at Palma and, as there is no flight from Palma until the following day to Germany, the fan will have to stay the night in Palma. Not so much of a deal as you think if you have a hotel stay on top of it. Another fan has walked 500 miles from Scotland to German to raise awareness for men's mental health charities. And I have heard about another fan who has cycled to Germany for the Euros - this is a mean feat in itself but the fan in question, Ethan Walker (who is only 18) had a bad accident in America (while there on a football scholarship) just 8 months ago. He was almost killed - he had been left with multiple fractures, 2 brain haemorrhages, and complete dislocation of his right knee. He had also fractured bones in his skull, shoulder, hand, pelvis and knee. The orthopedic surgeon, Professory Gordon Mackay, who treated him in Scotland has cycled with him to Germany. I would love to see Scotland getting on far in the Euro tournament but I am not under any illusion - they have a good squad (including a player from my home city, Ryan Christie) and a well respected coach, but I know that there are a lot of strong teams in the tournament. One thing is for certain is that they have very committed fans; fans who are hopeful and optimistic, and who are just glad that their team has been given a chance. Good luck to all the teams in the tournament.

The Three Sisters of Victory Walk by Annie Groves

Ever since I got into the wartime books by Elaine Everest, where women and friendships were the heart of the stories, I have started reading...